Namespace Core\Env
Namespaces summary
Core\Env\Authentication |
Core\Env\Locale |
Core\Env\Proxy |
Core\Env\Server |
Constants summary
BlockSize | If block counts are displayed, calculate blocks in units of this value. |
Columns | Width in text columns (characters) of the terminal. |
Display | X Window System display configuration for the session. Has the format
Editor | Path to default editor to invoke if a file needs to be edited. |
ForceColors | If set, CLI colour sequences are enforced even if the output is not directed
to a terminal. The |
Home | Home directory of session user. |
InfoPath | Path definition with same syntax as Path for info repositories. |
Interpreter | Path to interpreter binary. |
Lines | Height in text columns (characters) of the terminal. |
Me | Filename of script being executed relative to the document root. Can contain arguments and should accordingly be used with care to prevent XSS attacks and other misuse. A safer choice is to use Script instead. |
Path | The search path. The separator for path entries varies depending on the operating system in use. On POSIX systems, paths are separated by the colon (":"). On DOS, OS/2, and Windows, a semicolon (";") is used. |
Printer | Name of default printer to use. |
PWD | The current working directory path. |
Script | Full filename of script being executed (not necessarily absolute). |
ScriptFilename | Absolute filename of script being executed or user-specified script path if executed via CLI. |
Shell | Full path name to the current session user's login shell. |
TempDir | Directory to store temporary files in. |
Terminal | Type kind of CLI terminal to generate output for. |
TerminalProgram | The terminal program name. |
TerminalProgramVersion | The terminal program version. |
Timestamp | Timestamp in seconds since UNIX Epoch of the current request. |
User | Login name of current session user. |