Namespace Core\Env\Server\HTTP
Constants summary
Accept | "Accept" header of current request. |
AcceptCharset | "Accept-Charset" header of current request. |
AcceptEncoding | "Accept-Encoding" header of current request. |
AcceptLanguage | "Accept-Language" header of current request. |
AcceptTransferEncoding | "TE" header of current request. |
Authorization | "Authorization" header of current request. |
CacheControl | "Cache-Control" header of current request. |
Connection | "Connection" header of current request. |
ContentEncoding | "Content-Encoding" header of current request. |
ContentLanguage | "Content-Language" header of current request. |
ContentLength | "Content-Length" header of current request. |
ContentLocation | "Content-Location" header of current request. |
ContentMD5 | "Content-MD5" header of current request. |
ContentRange | "Content-Range" header of current request. |
ContentType | "Content-Type" header of current request. |
Cookie | "Cookie" header of current request. |
DoNotTrack | "DNT" header of current request. |
ETag | "ETag" header of current request. |
Expect | "Expect" header of current request. |
From | "From" header of current request. |
Host | "Host" header of current request. |
IfMatch | "If-Match" header of current request. |
IfModifiedSince | "If-Modified-Since" header of current request. |
IfNoneMatch | "If-None-Match" header of current request. |
IfRange | "If-Range" header of current request. |
IfUnmodifiedSince | "If-Unmodified-Since" header of current request. |
MaxForwards | "Max-Forwards" header of current request. |
Pragma | "Pragma" header of current request. |
ProxyAuthorization | "Proxy-Authorization" header of current request. |
Referrer | URI of resource from which the request was obtained. If relative, it should be interpreted relative to the request URI. |
TransferEncoding | "Transfer-Encoding" header of current request. |
Upgrade | "Upgrade" header of current request. |
UserAgent | Information on the user agent where the request originated. |
Via | "Via" header of current request. |
Warning | "Warning" header of current request. |